Key Information
If you require more information on any of the topics listed, including our curriculum, or require hard copies of any policies, please contact the school office -
To view our curriculum please click here - Church Lawton School - Curriculum
To discuss the Church Lawton Curriculum, please contact:
- Mrs Karen Woodall -
To discuss the Church Lawton Schools exams and/or qualifications offer, please contact:
- Mr Ian Smith -
For further information, please visit the Church Lawton School Admission page by clicking here - Church Lawton School Admissions
The Liberty Academy Trust's Admissions Policy can be found in our Policies and Procedures section.
Church Lawton School has an Ofsted rating of 'Good'.
To view our most recent Ofsted report please click here - Church Lawton School's Ofsted Report
School Performance
View our school's key data and compare our performance against other schools please click here - CLS School Performance
Trust governance and financial information
View the governance and financial information for Liberty Academy Trust please click here - Liberty Academy Trust
Policies and Procedures
LAT’s Data Protection Policy outlines how LAT fulfils the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.
The other key policies are available here:
- Accessibility Plan - Our plan to ensure the accessibility of our school's environment meets the needs of all.
- Admissions Policy - Details on admission arrangements, in-year applications, over-subscription criteria, waiting lists and the appeals process.
- Adults in School Confidentiality Policy - Our policy and procedures surrounding confidentiality.
- Anti-Bullying Policy - How we deal with incidents of bullying and our bullying prevention strategies.
- Assessment Policy - Details of how we use assessment at each stage.
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy - How we monitor attendance and punctuality, as well as our process of recording absences.
- Behaviour Policy - How we ensure the school is a safe and supportive environment for all.
- Careers Education and Guidance Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy - LAT's approach to charging, particularly in relation to educational visits and trips.
- Complaints Policy and Procedure - Explains how to raise a concern or make a complaint and what process LAT will follow to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
- Complaints Flow Diagram - Easy-Read flow chart summary.
- Curriculum Policy - Overview of school's curriculum offer.
- Data Protection Policy - How personal information is dealt with properly and securely.
- Data Protection-Appendix - Privacy Notice Pupil
- Data Protection-Appendix - Privacy Notice Adult
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy - How LAT aims to be a diverse and inclusive organisations.
- Exclusions Policy - The key principles, roles and responsibilities for exclusions in all LAT schools, in line with statutory guidance.
- Health & Safety Policy - Responsibilities and arrangements for Health & Safety.
- Online Safety Policy - How we support online safety as part of our commitment to safeguarding pupils.
- PSHE (Personal, Social and Economic) Policy - The RSE curriculum, why it is taught, and how it is delivered
- Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI) Policy - School's position with regards to necessary physical interventions and safeguarding the well-being of students and staff.
- Safeguarding Policy - How we ensure our pupils are safe and the steps we take when this may not be the case.
- SEN Information Report - How we meet students' special educational needs
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy - How we support pupils with medical conditions.
- Uniform Policy - Expectations of how pupils should dress according to the uniform policy.
- Teaching and Learning - Our policy on teaching and learning.
- Whistleblowing Policy - Outlines the process for reporting and investigating concerns of malpractice and serious wrongdoing.
Funding Statements
Master Funding Agreement - Liberty Academy Trust's agreement with the Secretary of State is set out in the Master Funding Agreement.
Supplemental Funding Agreement - Our school's relationship with the Secretary of State.
Pupil Premium Report
The Pupil Premium Report is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of students from low income households.
PE and Sport Premium - How we have used sports premium funding to improve the provision of PE and Sport.
For more information on Pupil Premium please click here - Pupil Premium Report